Instant Translation Solutions


Instant translation, quick translation, emergency translation: these are almost synonyms. They mean the process of converting text from one language to another almost right away. Instant translation service is usually provided in an emergency, often lacks sufficient resources, and can be inadequate for achieving good quality results comparable with regular service. That is the main reason why you cannot use it for serious purposes like official documents or scientific papers.


Grammar and instant translation


Google Translate is one example of an instant translation service online. It is popular mostly because it is free. Imagine that you start learning a foreign language and you have the incredible advantage of being able to memorize any words at the first listen. Great!


However, you would soon learn that putting words together is not the only trick of speaking and writing correctly. Your speech would sound broken. Even though you would know almost all the frequently used words, you would be missing something important: the glue which puts these words together in order to build a solid structure. The glue is grammar and the solid structure is the sentence. Throwing words around with no grammar often sounds funny and creates misunderstanding, as we don’t know the exact relationships among all those thrown words.


That’s the problem an instant translation faces. Computers can easily memorize words, but the algorithm for glue—grammar—is so complex that there is still no software able to deal with it to our satisfaction. This lack of capacity to create reasonable and logical sentences makes instant translation impossible to use for anything else but casual communication.


Context and instant translation


Another problem with instant translation is context. Even though computers are able to remember all words, terms with multiple meanings (like homonyms or specialized words) are a big issue for machines. When we speak, our speech may touch different areas within seconds and switch from one field to another without us even realizing it. Words sounding the same might have a different translation in each particular field. The software is usually confused, especially if there is no clear differentiation regarding specializations. For example, the German word “Punkt” has many meanings in English: point, spot, dot, item, full stop, mark. Using the incorrect meaning might not only sound funny, but would also be very inappropriate in an official or scientific document.


Strategic Languages would be happy to provide you with rush translation service as a good quality alternative to an instant translation. You would be able to use our rush translation for any purpose, for all your personal and business translation needs.

Please Contact Us for more details.